Cardiovascular System

The Cardiovascular System is one of the most complex systems in the body, consisting of the heart, which is one of the most important vital organs in the human body, and blood vessels. The cardiovascular system works by transporting blood to different parts of the body. As a result of its widespread distribution, it is susceptible to various types of diseases for various reasons. In this article, we will show the function of the Cardiovascular System, the diseases that may affect this system and ways to prevent them. 

Cardiovascular system function

Cardiovascular SystemSome people ask what does the cardiovascular system do? The Cardiovascular System is characterized by having many important functions, including the following:

  • Maintains body temperature.
  • Conveys food and oxygen to all organs so that they can perform their function effectively.
  • Protects the body from microbes and reduces the chances of infection through WBCS.
  • Helps get rid of harmful substances such as carbon dioxide and purifies the blood from toxins.
  • Makes hormones perform their function in keeping humans alive as well.
  • It contributes effectively to getting rid of harmful chemicals.


What are the main components of the cardiovascular system?

Cardiovascular SystemThe Cardiovascular System consists of several basic components, which are shown in the following:

  • The heart: It is the main organ in the Cardiovascular System that is characterized by its ability to pump blood to nourish the various organs.
  • Veins: The most important parts of the blood vessels that work to transport blood from all parts of the body and deliver it to the heart.
  • Arteries: They deliver blood rich in oxygen and various nutrients from the heart to the organs of the body so that they can perform their function.
  • Capillaries: They transport blood from the arteries to the tissues and from the tissues to the veins.
  • Blood: Deoxygenated blood flows inside the veins and is collected in the heart to move to the lungs until it becomes oxygenated, and then the arteries transport it to the body tissues.


Cardiovascular system diseases and disorders

There is a large category of diseases that can affect the Cardiovascular System, and this is shown in the following:

  • Heart failure: It is a disease condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood normally to the parts of the body.
  • Heart attack: It occurs as a result of a sudden clot that prevents blood from reaching the heart and may be fatal, so it is called myocardial infarction.
  • Heart valve diseases include valve regurgitation, which leads to the valve not closing properly, and valve stenosis, which prevents blood from flowing in the usual amount.
  • Atherosclerosis: a disease that causes narrowing and weakening of the arteries and occurs as a result of bad health habits such as eating fatty foods.
  • Irregular heart rate: a disturbance in the heart rhythm, such as atrial fibrillation, which results in some serious problems if the patient does not receive treatment in a timely manner.
  • Hypercholesterolemia: occurs as a result of many reasons, including fast food, or may be the result of some genetic factors.
  • High blood pressure: a chronic disease that may cause many problems such as stroke, heart disease, and poor vision, which requires taking treatment regularly.
  • Peripheral arterial disease: occurs in which narrowing leads to poor blood flow to the tissues, including the arteries of the legs, arms, and head.
  • Congenital disabilities: There is a large category of genetic diseases and congenital disabilities that may affect the heart and blood vessels, such as a VSD, tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary artery stenosis, and others.
  • Varicose veins: a disease that affects the veins and makes them swell, causes some pain when standing for a long time and may affect the aesthetic appearance of the leg.
  • Aneurysm: It may affect different types of arteries, such as the aorta, where weakness occurs in the artery wall, leading to its expansion, and it may be prone to bursting.


How to prevent cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular SystemDiseases of the Cardiovascular system can be prevented by following a set of important tips and instructions, which are as follows:

  • It is preferable to exercise regularly and reduce excess weight.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol and stay away from stress and psychological pressures.
  • Get enough sleep and rest and reduce excess salt in food.
  • Be sure to control high blood pressure by going to periodic follow-up sessions with a specialist doctor.




What is the difference between arteries and veins?

Although arteries and veins are components of the Cardiovascular System, there is a big difference between them, such as the difference in composition, as the thickness of the artery wall is greater than the vein to withstand the pressure of distributing blood to the organs due to the presence of more muscle tissue in the artery. The veins contain valves, unlike the arteries. There is a difference in the direction of blood flow, as the arteries transport blood from the heart to the organs, while the veins transport blood from the organs to the heart. The artery carries oxygenated blood that the lungs have purified, so it appears bright red, while the vein contains deoxygenated blood and appears dark red. 

What is the most important organ in the Cardiovascular System?

The heart is one of the most important organs of the Cardiovascular System, as the heart consists of four main chambers, the atria and the ventricles, in addition to the heart valves. It pumps about 2 liters of blood daily to nourish the body's organs. 

What is the largest artery in the body?

The aorta is the largest main artery in the body, with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. and consists of 3 layers and is divided into 3 parts: the ascending aorta, the aortic arch, and the descending aorta. The Cardiovascular System is one of the most important parts of the body, as it performs many pivotal functions and rids the body of harmful substances. It consists of the heart and blood vessels of various types, so many diseases may occur in it. Some of these are simple, and some may cause death, so it is necessary to follow all the medical instructions to prevent these diseases. 


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